When carrying out activities in the field of foreign economic activity, it is important to deal very carefully with the issues regarding preparation and submission of documentation to banks, tax and other regulatory authorities; take into account the nuances of foreign exchange legislation and foreign exchange control, and also to be aware of current changes in these fields. Within the framework of this block of services our company offers:
– Assistance in foreign trade transactions and purchase of goods from foreign suppliers with full documentary support and offering the client a tailored work scheme and format (agency agreement, supply agreement, etc.);
– Payment for goods abroad in foreign currency;
– Provision of our legal entity to conclude a contract with a foreign supplier;
– Payment of customs fees/security from the broker’s personal account;
– Consulting the client on the issues and nuances of foreign economic activity;
– Timely provision and control of the accuracy of scanned and original documents sent by mail, express mail or electronic document management.